Oral Presentation Australasian Cytometry Society 44th Annual Conference and Workshop

Spectral analysis using the Sony ID7000: Tools for deeper discoveries (24574)

Cedric Ait-Mansour 1
  1. Sony Biotechnology Inc, Paris, France

The ID7000™ spectral cell analyzer is ideal for high-dimensional flow cytometry. More lasers and many more detectors mean more fluorochromes can be resolved in combination. At 42 colors, the marker resolution is sufficient to support either directed hierarchical gating or undirected clustering algorithms. In addition, the ID7000 AutoSampler provides high-throughput analysis with better sample integrity, less sample waste, essentially zero carryover, and walk-away automation.


Please join Cedric Ait-Mansour, Sony Global Senior Manager Market Development and flow cytometry expert, who will lead this seminar to highlight how Sony’s ID7000 spectral cell analyzer can advance your multi-color research and enable intuitive acquisition and analysis workflows to obtain highest data quality.