Mohamed Fareh
Short Bio. Mohamed Fareh is a senior research fellow with a multidisciplinary background in RNA biology, CRISPR, cancer, and advanced single-molecule biophysics. He obtained his PhD in 2012 (France), where he uncovered a subset of non-coding RNAs that regulate cell plasticity in high-grade brain tumours. He did his postdoctoral training in the single-molecule Biophysics lab (Joo lab, TU Delft, The Netherlands), where he developed new single-molecule multicolour fluorescence approaches to investigate the biology of non-coding RNAs and CRISPR effectors with high spatial and temporal resolution.
In August 2018, Mohamed relocated to Australia to join the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Melbourne) where he initiated various projects to develop new RNA-targeting CRISPR tools (CRISPR-Cas13) for precise transcriptome editing and imaging. His team is interested in (i) understanding the molecular basis of RNA recognition/silencing by CRISPR-Cas13, and (ii) reprogramming CRISPR-Cas13 to silence various pathogenic RNAs including viral transcripts and undruggable tumour drivers with single-base precision. Fareh and colleagues recently developed single-base resolution CRISPR-Cas13 tools to silence various strains of SARS-CoV-2 (Fareh* et al, Nature Commun, 2021) and tumour drivers (Hu,…, Fareh*, under revision; BioRxiV,
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